5 Awesome Ways to Lose Belly Fat Naturally in a Week Without Exercise

Have you ever gone to sleep at night thinking how great would it be if your belly fat magically somehow disappears tomorrow morning?


All of us after gaining some weight have had the thought of finding ways to trim the excess fat out of our body and to again fit into our favorite dresses…

Trust me guys, I know that feeling…I have been there.

But with some basic fitness education and some simple tweaks in my lifestyle, I managed to lose about 23 Kilos without too much hassle.

Read this article to know more about that journey of mine where I provide you with the exact blueprint of my fat shredding adventure.

In fact,

In this post, I am going to show you 30 of the productive and fruitful ways to lose belly fat in a week without exercise or without joining any agonizing training program at all.

So Let”s Begin:

1. Eat Complex and Good carbohydrates: 
There are two kinds of carbohydrates in general that need to keep in mind while picking food for your diet. These include the Good Carbohydrates and the Bad Carbohydrates.

The good ones are the ones that will not only help you to remain healthy and in losing a considerable amount of weight. They also have the following benefits:

  • They will keep you full for longer periods of time
  • Will prevent you from overeating
  • Will help in improving your bowel movement
  • Providing your body with valuable sources of minerals.

On the other side, the bad carbohydrate includes food items that are no doubt stunningly yummy but they are deliciously bad for yourself. These food items have the following disadvantages:

  1. Contains sugar and other preservatives that are not good for the body
  2. Cause swings in blood sugar values
  3. Get digested easily so leads to overeating
  4. Not that much healthy for the body

So always avoid the bad carbs and stick with the good carb sources.

2. Find a fitness-positive support network:
This is a point that often people tend to overlook but trust me from my own experience of weight loss journey I have realized that this step is probably one of the most important ones of all.

The main problem most of the weight loss aspirants suffer from is to lose focus too easily and not to have enough motivation to drive them towards their goal.

All these are because of the lack of not having the right support system there with you.

Do the following things and you will no doubt get immensely benefitted throughout your journey of losing weight:

  1. Join weight loss groups in the facebook that are highly active and have a sufficient number of members.
  2. Flood your timeline both on Facebook and Instagram with pages related to weight loss and healthy living so that you never run out of motivation
  3. Start to find any seriously minded buddy in real life from your relative circle or friends circle who have the same kind of aspirations as you have and then try to work together supporting each other to reach your goals.
  4. Join forums in various places of the internet. Just do a simple search on google about “weight loss forums” and join the forums that appeal to you

3. Drink way more water: 
Drinking the right amount of water will keep you hydrated and enhance the normal functioning of your body.

By this way, you will easily wash away the excess toxins out of your body without any extra effort.

You need to consume at least 3 liters of water every single day o see positive changes in your body.

A human being can go on for a number of days without food but can’t go on for just a few days without water.

That shows the tremendous importance it holds in the optimum functioning of our body.

Drinking water for losing weight has the following benefits:

  1. Drinking water 10 minutes before a meal can help you to feel more full and as a result, you will only consume the needed amount of food and easily get rid of the problem of eating too much.
  2. Drinking sufficient water fastens your metabolism and leads to burning of more fat at a faster pace
  3. It helps in solving out problems with mood swings and elevates the functioning of the brain

Try to drink more water in the following situations:

  • After eating dry and fatty food
  • After eating salty food as you will need to be getting rid of the excess salt
  • In highly stressed conditions our body metabolism goes up and the water intake needs to be also enhanced

How to drink water for weight loss:

  1. Eat 33 to 67 ounces of water first thing in the morning after waking up
  2. Take the help of apps in the mobile stores to use the apps to remind you to drink water at regular intervals
  3. Always carry your own water bottle to everywhere you go ….yup everywhere.

4. Eat less at a time of a day:
Try to split up your meals from three times a day to five-six times a day.

The old and popular rule of having meals for only three times a day is not scientific and not at all suited for your body especially if your goal is to get rid of some extra pounds.

According to a popular study by CNN weight is associated with when and not just what you eat every day.

I personally am a huge fan of this eating habit and generally have around 6 meals a day.

Nowadays because of our hectic lifestyle, we begin the day waking up at 6 Am in the morning and again go to sleep late at midnight.

And we also end up using a considerable amount of brainpower every day that burns our body fuel rapidly.

So the ancient system of having just three meals a day is not justifiable anymore.

Obviously, it varies with person to person but for many people having about 5 to 6 meals a day instead of just three big meals is working wonders.

  1. Just remember never ever overeat at any one particular meal
  2. Have many meals of smaller servings
  3. Eat after at least every three to four hours
  4. Instead of starving yourself for lunch or dinner eat 3 completely balanced meals and 2 to 3 snack breaks in between those three meals.
  5. Also, pack those snack breaks with a little bit of protein and fiber servings.
  6. Have vegetables in raw form like tomatoes, carrot, broccoli along with some fruits dipped in peanut butter or unsweetened low-fat yogurt.
  7. Always keep these food items for the snack period ready to keep your temptation of going for packets of chips in check.

5. Eat slowly and in quiet places: 
Many studies have shown that eating at a faster pace can result in overeating and in improper digestion of food. It also showed that people eating slowly tend to suffer less from weight gain issues and suffers less from certain diseases like diabetes.

  1. So dedicate at least ten to fifteen minutes for each of your full meals and about 5 to 7 minutes for your snack breaks.
  2. Never eat food without properly sitting at one place preferably at the dining table.
  3. Eat at a quiet place away from the TV, computer or from listening to any kinds of songs as those can distract your mind.
