Foods to Lose Belly Fat

Foods to Lose Belly Fat – 17 Best Foods That Burn Belly Fat FastNeed some fat burning foods to add to your flat belly diet?

Perfect, because below we have 17 superfoods that will help you lose belly fat and get a flat tummy quickly.

Planning your meals around foods that can increase your metabolism and ultimately help you lose weight around the stomach is the smart way to go.

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying “flat belly is made in the kitchen”.

It’s true!

When you’re trying to lose belly fat and get a flat stomach, what you eat matters. This is in addition to some good belly fat workouts.

But before we get to it, let me tell you the reason why you are bound to accumulate fat in your stomach area.

Knowing this, you not only get to lose belly fat faster but also keep it off for good.

What Causes Belly Fat?

While no one has been able to pinpoint exactly what causes belly fat, there seem to be several factors.

Hormones, genes, age, and lifestyle are what play a major role in fat distribution in that area.

Let’s take a closer look at each.

When you have a hormonal imbalance, your metabolism may slow and hunger and stress. Together, it can lead to more fat stored in the belly area.

When it comes to obesity and belly fat, your body type has a lot to do with it. And genes are an influential part of the body type and where you tend to carry your fat.

Menopause can cause hormonal imbalances, which may drive cortisol to rise. Since cortisol is a stress hormone, any spike in cortisol may contribute to a belly fat gain.

But that’s not all to blame.

It’s also a sedentary lifestyle that may add to the fat around the stomach.

This goes with the sedentary lifestyle during menopause. Poor lifestyle choices increase your odds of gaining belly fat. It may be your diet or late-night snacking.

Unhealthy lifestyle choices contribute to weight gain, especially around the belly.

If your diet needs a redo, check out these 17 belly fat burning foods to fight against belly fat.

Being inactive makes you more prone to belly fat.

To lose belly fat and keep it off, make a habit of working out regularly.

While there are many other reasons why people get layers of stubborn belly fat, the ones above are common.

With that said, here are the 17 best foods to lose belly fat.

17 Best Foods That Burn Belly Fat Fast

1. Avocado
This tropical super fruit is rich in healthy monounsaturated fats.

It’s a type of fat that makes it easy for your body to burn fat, particularly the tummy fat.

This fatty fruit also helps increase the absorption of antioxidants like carotenoids. These good-for-you nutrients help your body with diseases like cancer.

In one study, eating avocado or avocado oil led to an increase in carotenoid intake by 15 times.

2. Peanut Butter
This protein-rich spread contains 8 grams of high-quality protein and 4 grams of fiber per serving.

This is essential because both nutrients can aid with appetite reduction. This by default leads to a reduction in calorie intake.

Peanut butter also comes with L-arginine, a type of amino acids that promotes blood flow. This may help prevent fluid retention and bloating.

When picking peanut butter, be sure to pick unsalted, unsweetened variety.

3. Bananas
Another on-the-go food is bananas. If you ever wonder if bananas are good for you, here is your answer.

Yes, they are! Bananas contain several key nutrients that can help you burn and lose belly fat.

This fruit packs 422 mg of potassium, which helps limit the amount of belly swelling sodium in your body.

Bananas also have benefits for digestion, heart health, and weight loss.

4. Yogurt
Yogurt grows the good bacteria in your gut, which helps getting rid of bugs that may cause bloating.

Greek yogurt, in particular, is also helpful in managing belly fat.

That’s because this rich yogurt is high in protein, which helps stabilize insulin. By leveling insulin, you are able to prevent over-built up of fat storage including the belly fat.

5. Berries
Berries are a delicious, phytonutrient-rich snack. They are not only rich in antioxidants but also packed with many other health benefits.

Especially cherries have been known for their effectiveness in reducing belly fat. In some university research, they saw a 9% decrease in belly fat with cherries on their meal plans.

Feeling inspired? Add some Greek yogurt and berries before your next abs workout.

6. Quinoa
Quinoa comes with all the essential amino acids needed to make a complete protein.

This makes quinoa a rare source of complete protein in the grain/seed community. It’s an excellent source of gluten-free, healthy carb with mounts of nutrients.

To lose belly fat, replace your usual carbs like bread and white rice with quinoa.

It’ll cut down your carb count and give your meal a nutritional boost.

If you need ideas about how to add it into your diet, check out these 7 delicious easy quinoa recipes.

7. Green Tea
Green tea is a well-deserved item on this list.

The compound ECGC in the tea helps to revamp your metabolism and burn belly fat.

According to one study, 3 cups of green tea a day can help you burn as many as 30 calories.

Also switching up all your sugary drinks with green tea can cut a large number of calories from your diet.

Start by having a cup of it at every meal.

8. Citrus
There is plenty of vitamin C in colorful produces like lemons.
According to some studies, citrus can up your fat-burning by 30 percent during exercise.

To take advantage of its fat-burning effect, try this lemon water recipe in the AM and before your workout.

9. Whole Grains
Carb lovers, Rejoice!

Grains like oats and brown rice keep insulin stable and help you lose belly fat.

That’s because these healthy grains are full of fiber and take longer for your body to digest. In other words, you can prevent insulin spikes and conditions like insulin resistance.

By keeping insulin stable, researchers speculate that it may shrink fat cells.

10. Eggs
One egg contains 7 gm of protein and lots of vital nutrients.

To top it off, it only carries 75 calories.

While eggs were long being avoided for its high cholesterol content, it’s no longer that case. The health community has confirmed it’s not dietary cholesterol you need to avoid. It’s saturated fat that raises a red flag.

Egg with its nutritional profile takes longer for your body to process than a carb like bread. This gives you an advantage of insulin stabilization.

Eggs are even on the favorite list of Keto Diet known for weight loss and fat burn.

To start your day off right, add eggs to your breakfast.

11. Fatty fish
Fatty fish like mackerel and salmon are rich in quality protein and omega-3 fats.

Together, they protect you from serious diseases and help you rid of your visceral fat. Studies done on patients with fatty liver disease indicates fatty acid benefits.

In those studies, regularly taking of fish oil supplements reduced liver and belly fat.

Include fish like salmon, herring, sardines, and mackerel to your diet 2-3 times a week.

12. Grapefruit
Grapefruit is not a magical fruit per se but it will definitely help you feel full with minimal calories.

This is due to its soluble fiber, which takes longer to digest.

To take advantage of this diet-friendly fruit, add a serving at your breakfast. It will fill your stomach and help you cut your calories from the meal.

13. Nuts
Nuts are an excellent way to curb hunger between meals.

They’re high in protein, fiber, and heart-healthy fats.

Nuts are long being weight loss-friendly and known to improve cholesterol levels. Not only that, they make an excellent energy-boosting snack you can take anywhere.

The only downside of them is its high-calorie content. When you nibble your trail mix, watch your portions.

If you have to get them out of their shell, that’ll slow you down and not eat as much.

14. Chia Seeds
Chia seeds are a true superfood.

High in protein and omega 3 fatty acids, they help keep blood sugar levels stable and stomach full.

When they touch the liquid, they expand and add density to any meals and drinks.

To start taking chia sees, sprinkle some in your morning smoothies or detox water. Making chia puddings is also a great way to take advantage of these powerful seeds.

15. Chili Peppers
If you like spicy foods, then you’re going to love this next belly fat burning food, “chili peppers”.

Spicy food like chili peppers cannot only help rev your metabolism but also help you stay on your flat belly diet.

One study shows it’s all because of capsaicin. Capsaicin is an active ingredient that gives chili peppers their hotness. And apparently, it’s also effective in keeping the weight off.

The study found foods rich in capsaicin may result in fewer cravings for sweet, salty, and fatty foods. It may also help with a general appetite as well.

To get the fat-burning benefits, add chili peppers to your meals. It goes particularly well in stir fry, salad dressing, and even your marinade. It practically goes with anything!

16. Asparagus
Asparagus is one of the healthiest and low calories and low-carb veggies you can eat. It’s a staple for keto dieters.

But there’s more to asparagus than just being low in carbs.

Asparagus is high in antioxidants and both soluble and insoluble fiber. Together, they help slow down your digestion and keep you full longer between meals. Being a natural diuretic, asparagus also helps you rid of the water and waste and help decrease bloat.

Another benefit of asparagus is prebiotics. They act to serve healthy bacteria in your gut and keeps your digestion healthy.

All these lead to a flatter tummy and reduced belly fat.

17. Dark Chocolate
If you have a sweet tooth, then you are in for a treat today.

Foods like dark chocolate are perfectly ok on your flat tummy diet.

Eating a piece of dark chocolate may also help fend off a major sweet binge, and belly fat.

Superb quality dark chocolate above 70% cacao brings health benefits.

Just like avocados, dark chocolate contains healthy monounsaturated fatty acids. They are healthy fats that help keep your metabolism running in high gear.

But be mindful of portions as they can be high in calories. Keep it less than about 1/4 of a bar or a piece about half the size of your palm per day.

Make this a go-to sweet treat whenever your sweet cravings strike. They are far better than any cakes, candy, or other sweets you can grab.

The Takeaway

There you have it!

17 best foods that burn belly fat fast you can add to your diet today. They are as common as lemons and can be easily bought at the local store.

By building your meals around nutrient-rich foods, you can cut calories and help your body burn belly fat.
