Vegetarian Diet Plan for Weight Loss

Obesity problem can be seen in a lot of Indians these days. The main culprit behind people gaining weight is their unhealthy lifestyle (eating habits & no or less activities).

It is also difficult to stay fit with so many festivals and traditional events being held on most of the days of the year.

Losing weight doesn’t just mean sweating in the Gym. We should also be careful about what we eat and when we eat. The combination of diet and exercise is the perfect way to lose oodles of weight safely without affecting your health (in a bad way). Do note that you can’t outrun a bad diet with exercise.

Weight Loss is only possible when you reduce some calories through diet and at the same time increase calorie expenditure through exercise. That means, if your BMI says that you require 2500 calories per day for maintenance, then you should cut down 500 calories from the diet and burn 500 more calories through exercising. On a whole you’re cutting down 1000 calories per day, which equals to 7000 calories per week or 1Kg. Losing 1 kg per week is considered healthy and anything more than that would bring up on some health complications in the future. You also get loose skin if you lose a lot of pounds so quickly.

Note: GM Diet Program helps you lose around 5 to 7 pounds in a week. But, don’t worry about the health complications as you’re losing weight by flushing out impurities (waste) from your body. It is just a simple 7 day diet program that detoxes your body of impurities, thereby helping you shed weight quickly. However, it should not be followed continuously. And the followers would get back their weight if they don’t follow a healthy lifestyle after completing the GM diet.

That is the reason, why we’ve suggested the GM diet followers to eat a well-balanced diet in order to maintain their weight loss results.

In addition to these low calorie meal plans, I’m discussing about the Ideal Indian weight loss diet plan for vegetarians, which should (can) be followed after the General Motors diet program in order to either maintain or lose weight further.

Advantages of the Indian Vegetarian Diet Plan

The vegetarian diets are always criticized for their poor nutrition (less proteins). However, it should be noted that a lot of our ancestors have eaten only vegetarian foods and still got enough nutrients required for their body maintenance. The only thumb rule is that you should include variety of foods in order to reap maximum nutrient benefits out of the vegetarian meals. There are many more advantages of the vegetarian diet and below are a few.

  1. Following a vegetarian diet helps in lowering the cholesterol levels (LDL), thereby let you shed pounds naturally.
  2. It eliminates or flushes out toxins (harmful impurities) from your body, thereby giving you a less-bloated look. In addition to that, you also feel more energetic and can enjoy a natural glowing skin.
  3. Eating fruits and vegetables regularly is said to boost your metabolism and an increase in metabolic rate helps in burning more calories.
  4. If you want to lose your belly fat, then the vegetarian meal plan is your best bet.
  5. Eating these low calorie foods that are devoid of saturated and trans fat helps in lowering the blood pressure naturally.
  6. Who said vegetarians have less protein choices? Here is a list of the protein rich vegetarian foods.

Fastest Indian Vegetarian Diet Plan Menu for 7 Days

The below diet plan for vegetarians is low in calories, but will provide all the required nutrients that help in the maintenance of your body. Here I am giving the sample meal plans for 1 week, which you can continue until you reach your weight loss target.

Day 1
First thing in the morning after you wake up, drink a glass of warm water with 1 spoon of honey. This will give you enough energy and also boosts your metabolism.

  1. Breakfast: Add whole grain cereals in a bowl of skimmed milk (low fat) and have it along with a serving of fruit (Apple or Banana; any one) or 1 plain dosa with tomato chutney and black tea with 2 salt biscuits.
  2. Lunch: 1 bowl of brown rice (150 gms uncooked or raw) with 1 bowl of red kidney beans (Rajma) and your favourite vegetables (salad). You can also eat the rice with Sambhar.
  3. Dinner: 2 Pulkas (or chapatis) with 1 bowl of Soya curry or Brinjal curry. You can also eat a small bowl of Tomatoes and Cucumber chopped as a salad. Drink a glass of buttermilk.
  4. Snacks: Sprouted beans (moong dal) with lemon juice, tomato slices, onions, salt and pepper. You can have this once in the morning between breakfast & lunch and again in the afternoon between lunch & dinner.

Day 2
Immediately after you get up from the bed, drink a cup of Green tea without sugar. You can add some lemon juice for taste.

  1. Breakfast: 1 bowl of Poha or Oats dosa and a small glass of Soy milk with less or no sugar.
  2. Lunch: 2 Chapatis (or Pulkas) with 1 small bowl of mixed vegetables. Along with that, do have a cup of Yogurt (low fat curd) with berries.
  3. Dinner: A bowl of khichidi along with a small bowl of salad made with Sprouts, tomatoes, onions, lemon juice, salt and pepper. Drink a glass of low-fat milk with a pinch of Turmeric before going to bed.
  4. Snacks: During the mid-morning and evening snacks time, you can munch on the nuts like Almonds (5), Walnuts (5) and Pistachios (10).

Day 3
Soak 1 tsp of methi seeds in the water and leave it overnight (on day 2). Once you wake up, strain the methi seeds and drink the soaked water on an empty stomach.

  1. Breakfast: Have a toast with 2 slices of bread (whole wheat if possible) and Margarine (or) 2 idlis with chutney. Along with it, eat a fruit of your choice.
  2. Lunch: 2 Chapatis with a bowl of Dal and another bowl of vegetable salad.
  3. Dinner: Eat 1 chapati & 1 bowl of rice (150 gms uncooked) with 1 small bowl of Palak paneer curry. Drink a glass of buttermilk.
  4. Snacks: 1 bowl of Air popped pop-corn (no cheese or butter) or a cup of filter coffee with 2 wheat rusks.

Day 4
Soak a few neem leaves in the water and leave it overnight (on day 3). Immediately after you get up from the bed, strain the leaves and drink the water.

  1. Breakfast: 2 slices of brown bread with vegetables (sandwich) or tomato upma along with a medium sized Banana.
  2. Lunch: 1 bowl of rice (150 g raw) with a small bowl of Dal.
  3. Dinner: 2 Chapatis with a small bowl of Chole curry and a vegetable salad of your choice. Drink a glass of milk with ½ spoon of turmeric powder before going to bed.
  4. Snacks: Have some sprouts or Black tea with whole wheat biscuits.

Day 5
Drink a glass of warm water with lemon juice on an empty stomach.

  1. Breakfast: 2 slices of brown bread toasted with a slice of cheese or oats idli with green chutney. Along with it, drink a cup of Green tea without sugar or coconut water.
  2. Lunch: 1 bowl of vegetable khichdi (with brown rice & veggies).
  3. Dinner: 1 small bowl of Tomato soup with stir-fried veggies as toppings. Drink a glass of buttermilk.
  4. Snacks: Take a spoonful of flax seeds and chew them. After that, have a cup of Yogurt (low fat curd) with berries.

Day 6
On an empty stomach, drink a glass of warm water with lemon juice and honey.

  1. Breakfast: 1 small bowl of Oatmeal with skimmed milk or pesarattu with green cutney and a fruit of your choice (Apple or Orange).
  2. Lunch: 2 Chapatis with a bowl of Dal and a bowl of green salad.
  3. Dinner: 1 bowl of vegetable fried rice (prefer Brown rice if possible) along with a bowl of sprouted beans. Drink a glass of milk with turmeric powder.
  4. Snacks: You can munch on the fruit salad during the mid-morning and evening snacks period.

Day 7
Drink a cup of Green tea without sugar or sweetener on an empty stomach.

  1. Breakfast: 2 slices of brown bread with cucumber (sandwich) or plain dosa with green chutney and a glass of low-fat or skimmed milk with less or no sugar.
  2. Lunch: 1 bowl of mixed vegetable rice along with 1 glass of butter milk.
  3. Dinner: 2 chapatis with a bowl of Dal and a fruit of your choice.
  4. Snacks: You can munch on Almonds, Pistachios and Walnuts.
