9 Ways to Lose 10 Pounds in a Month (No-Weird Diet Tricks)

Want to lose 10 pounds in a month?

Losing "10 pounds in a month" is a good attainable weight loss goal (for some).

So how do you actually do it?

Believe it or not, there are many things you can do to lose 10 pounds in one month.

Juicing, low-calorie dieting, just to name a few.

But many of which will leave you feeling hungry, moody, and very unhappy— overall unsatisfied.

While these dieting tactics may help you lose weight and achieve your weight goal in the short-term, it's likely to be temporary.

Without strong willpower, the hunger and frustration from not eating enough will cause you vicious.

It's definitely not the kind of weight loss diet worth considering.

So, What's the Best Way to Lose Weight?

The plan laid out below will walk you through 9 best ways to lose 10 pounds in a month.

Not only it will help you lose 10 pounds in a month, but it will also help you:

  • Reduce your appetite
  • Eat fewer calories naturally 
  • Lose weight fast (without hunger)
  • Improve your metabolism 
  • Burn calories, fat around the clock

Here are 9 ways to lose 10 pounds in a month and keep it off permanently.

1. Set your goals
You set your goal to losing 10 pounds in a month, which is great.

Now you need to plan your diet and exercise routines and set a new lifestyle around this goal.

More specific you can get with your plan, the better. It's easier to stick to it and be productive toward your weight loss goal.

This means, you'd plan how many times per week you exercise, what meals to make and pack, what snack options to stock, and etc.

There are a few tools you can use to keep all your plans in one place, should you need it. 

A weight loss journal would be a popular choice.

It usually comes with a fitness section and nutrition section, making all your planning a breeze.

You may also download an app that assists you with pretty much anything you need help with, from calorie counting app to workout schedule app.

2. Eat a High Protein Breakfast
If your morning routine includes a bowl of cheerios, switching over to a high-protein meal like freshly cooked eggs and smoked salmon may help you eat 175 fewer calories at lunch according to scientists at Biofortis Clinical Research and the University of Missouri Department of Exercise of Physiology and Nutrition.

In their research, the high-protein breakfast eaters reported feeling fuller, more satisfied, and less desired to eat after their meal.

Protein-rich foods are weight loss friendly, compared to carbs and fats because it uses more energy in the form of calories to metabolize.

In fact, one study found that increasing protein intake from 15 to 30% of their total calories helped them eat fewer calories per day, and lost over 10 pounds during a 12- week period.

Need some ideas for a high-protein breakfast?

Try eggs with spinach, tofu kale wrap, or a protein shake. Here are some other high-protein foods you can include in your diet.

3. Drink Coffee or Green Tea
Natural chemicals found in both coffee and green tea are known to increase fat burning and stimulate the calorie burning process, which occurs when digesting and metabolizing foods.

In other words, coffee and tea are metabolism boosting drinks you can enjoy all you want, as long as you forego adding cream and sugar.
According to research, the caffeine in them can boost your metabolism by 3 to 11%.

4. Eat Weight Loss Friendly Foods
In addition to cutting sugar and calories from your diet, it is also important that you choose weight loss-friendly foods.

Certain foods have a very powerful effect on fat burning, metabolism, hunger, and even calorie burning.

Basing your diet around weight loss friendly foods is one of the easiest ways to maximize your calorie burning and metabolism efficiency.

5. Eat Nutritiously-Balanced, Healthy Meals
A well-balanced, healthy meal should include a protein source, a fat source, and low-carb vegetables.

Constructing your meals in this format will automatically bring your macros into the recommended range of 20-50 grams per day.

When your goal is to lose weight and fat, try always aim for 45 percent protein, 35 percent carbohydrates, 20 percent fat.

Consuming each in the proper proportion will help you achieve balanced nutrition, maintain energy levels throughout the day, and contribute to longer-lasting satiety.

Also, eat 2-3 meals per day with 1-2 healthy snacks in between.

6. Cook Your Meals at Home
In weight loss and dieting, small changes can make big impacts.

Research shows those who cook meals at home 6-7 times a week eats about 600 fewer calories, 5 grams fewer fat, and 16 grams less sugar than those who cook dinner less than once a week.

That's about an hour of jogging on a treadmill.

Home cooks whether on a diet or not are shown to eat healthier.

7. Stock Up on Healthy Snacks
Healthy snacks can be quiet handy and useful especially when the unexpected happens.

Sometimes we just get too busy and don't have the time to prep and eat a healthy meal.

By always having healthy snacks available, you reduce the chances of grabbing something you shouldn't be eating. Instead, you can reach to a snack you know you can enjoy without harming your weight loss.

There are so many healthy choices when it comes to snacks that are easy to prepare and easy to take it on-the-go.

Here are a few of my favorite weight loss snacks:

  • Greek yogurt
  • Whole fruit like an apple and a banana
  • Nuts
  • Hummus and carrot dips 
  • Hard-boiled eggs

8. Keep a Food Journal
Did you know that women who keep a food journal lose twice as much weight as women who don't?

Tap into the power of food journaling and record keeping.

9. It's All About Changing Your Lifestyle
Losing 10 pounds in 1 month is a good starting point, but don't just focus on losing weight.

Instead, focus on improving your health by incorporating nutritious foods into your diet that nourishes your body.

Diets are short-lived. While they may work and help get to your goal weight, it rarely won't last.

Eat and exercise to become a healthier, happier, and fitter person—not just to lose weight.

Final Thoughts
Just be persistent and don't expect to lose 10 pounds overnight.

Successful and permanent weight loss takes time. If you follow the above tips and include as many of the 9 tips into your lifestyle, you'll not only lose the weight but successfully keep it off for good.

Source: https://www.fitwirr.com/health/tips/lose-10-pounds-month?utm_source=Pinterest&utm_medium=Social
