Now that I’m closer to my 30th birthday than my 29th, I think it’s finally acceptable to admit that I worry about wrinkles. I worry about the ones I already have and worry about more popping up every single day. So as usual, I turned to my essential oils for a remedy I can make at home, control ingredient quality and customize them to my needs. This is my Rosehip Cypress Anti-Wrinkle Eye Cream.

Before we go any further, let’s take a look at my embarrassing before and after picture. This would be my results after two weeks worth of use. The only major differences in the two pictures below is the lighting and the fact that I do have mascara on in the after picture on the right.  Oh and the significant decrease in puffiness and wrinkles, right?

So here are the star players and how they combat wrinkles.

  • Rosehip Seed Oil: Anti-aging, renews skin cells, repairs damaged tissue and fades age spots.
  • Mango Butter: Rich in antioxidants, fatty acids and stearic acid.
  • Vitamin E Oil: Blocks free radical damage, boosts collagen production, supports new skin cell growth and speeds up cell regeneration.
  • Cypress Essential Oil: Reduces swelling and tightens skin
  • Geranium Essential Oil: Balances sebum, keeps skin supple and smooth.
  • Lavender Essential Oil: Calms skin inflammation, relieves dry skin.
  • Helichrysum Essential Oil: Boosts circulation, aids tissue regeneration.
  • Frankincense Essential Oil: Astringent, tightens skin and helps speed up cell regeneration.

Combined, these ingredients make for a wrinkle reducing and preventing powerhouse! It may not be the cheapest product to make, but it is still really easy. And a little bit goes a really long way.

First, measure out 100 grams of mango butter in a microwave safe glass dish. I use one like this Pyrex 4-Cup Measuring Cup. I measure grams on a food scale like this Digital Kitchen Scale. Then add 1 oz of Rosehip Seed oil (the whole bottle). Add 1/2 oz of Vitamin E Oil.

Now pop it in the microwave for 30 seconds to 1 minute. I never Heat it until completely melted because the more you heat it, the more the beneficial properties are reduced. I generally heat it for 30 seconds until half melted and stir it until completely melted.

Let sit for at least 10 minutes until the glass is cool to the touch before you add the essential oils. Again, the least amount of heat possible to minimize the reduction of the powerful properties in those essential oils. Add 20 drops each of Cypress, Lavender & Geranium, then 10 drops each of Helichrysum and Frankincense. Stir well and pour in to your glass pots or whatever you plan to store it in. Allow to cool completely.

This recipe made twice as much as I needed. I’m going to store the second jar in the fridge until I go through the first.

Let’s look at that before and after pictures again for a little extra motivation. I honestly didn’t realize the change myself until I uploaded and compared the photos.

So what do you think? Are you going to try it? Let me know in the comments below.

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